Ride free with a blend of iconic design and vehicle-grade safety


Pohon 700 W Špičkový 350 W

Dojazd 25 km na jedno nabitie

Tri režimy jazdy

Odolný, ľahký rám odolný voči poveternostným vplyvom

20/25km/h *local law compliant

The ultimate adventure scooter

Ride in style with a blend of iconic design, vehicle-grade safety and durability, built for your safety.

Take a closer look

Plenty of Range

Equipped with a long-range 25km removable Battery pack which fits in your backpack.

Keep on the move

Get there quicker with unbeatable performance with our proprietary brushless powertrain technology with a 700w peak

So Much Power

With the roll of your thumb, accelerate up to 25km/ph (20km/ph in Poland).

Made for Portability

Your travel companion

The RS1 is equipped with a reinforced foldable handlebar chassis. Fold your scooter within 3 seconds then take your RS1 with you, wherever you go.


The first scooter with a removable battery pack

RS1 is equipped with a long-range 25km removable Battery pack which fits in your backpack. Replace the Battery in less than 20 seconds.

So much power with the roll of your finger

With the roll of your thumb, accelerate upto 25km/ph (20km/ph in Poland). One-handed Acceleration, Braking and Cruise Control, at the touch of your finger.

Záruka 24 mesiacov

Jazdite s istotou. Poskytujeme plnú ochranu pred výrobnými chybami.

Záruka 30 dní

Preskúmajte to. Ak sa vám váš RS1 nepáči, radi ho vezmeme späť*

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Potrebujete opravu? Ponúkame opravy a podporu po celom svete.

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